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Process control and commitment on the part of the candidate

HR-Allgemein 08.06.2022

„The path leads through good conversation skills and self-motivation“

In today’s podcast episode of the HRM hacks, the personnel consultant Simone Straub from Bad Ditzenbach accompanies us. Since 2005 she has been supporting consultants and companies alike in order to achieve more success with their business models. In an interview with Alexander Petsch, the founder of the HRM Institute, Simone Straub explains why recruiters should try to get binding answers from candidates at an early stage and why they should do everything possible to be perceived by the candidates as a transparent consultant and not just as a mere recruiter on behalf of a company will.
Before Simone Straub set up her own business with Der Personalberater Coach GmbH in 2012, she worked for Kienbaum, TALENTspy, SThree and K2 Partnering Solutions, among others.

We publish interesting podcasts here at regular intervals, in which experts from the diverse field of human resources give us an insight into their wealth of knowledge.
Personnel consultants and recruiters probably want nothing more than binding answers and commitments from the candidates. However, Simone Straub claims to have observed that they often do not do enough to reap this desired commitment. On the one hand, recruiters would often avoid asking the right questions at the right time, the closing questions, as the coach puts it. „We should pick up the yeses as early as possible, because if we start too late, the candidate can feel pressured.“ On the other hand, the candidates also have to be offered something that they would find it difficult to refuse. „Ultimately, I have to fundamentally improve something for them,“ said Simone Straub.

A professional website is a must

Appealing and serious self-marketing also contributes to commitment. „This includes a professional website and a professional profile on relevant portals such as LinkedIn or Xing,“ says the Swabian entrepreneur. The topic of references should also not be ignored, because if you want to successfully place candidates with “2.1 stars on Kununu, you will have a problem”. For Simone Straub, transparency and openness are two important pillars for establishing a trusting relationship in communication with candidates. „If the first impressions here are negative, my counterpart will probably take tactics and withhold important information.“ Of course, this stands in the way of a successful process.
The art of a recruiter also consists in not only being perceived by the candidate „as an extended arm of the customer, i.e. the searching company“. The chance of getting a successful conclusion would be significantly increased by „the candidate perceiving me as a consultant who knows the market and can give helpful impulses“. In this case, the willingness to open up and show trust is significantly higher because the candidate can see added value for himself. Otherwise, the candidates get the feeling that “ultimately I only represent the customer, then I’m one of many options for them,” says Simone Straub. In this case, it is important to develop other ways of influencing the trust and the associated openness of the candidate.

Only those who are motivated can inspire others

So much for theory and process strategy. However, no matter how skillfully this can be set up and professionally displayed, it will not work “without the appropriate skills in the area of ​​persuasion and enthusiasm”. „My own enthusiasm, my own motivation and joy about the assignment are basic requirements,“ says the persona consulting expert. This is the only way to win over people and candidates and take them with you. This also includes identifying and serving the wishes and needs of the other person. „I often see that company information is carelessly rattled off in conversations,“ says Simone Straub, critical of the role played by many recruiters. Therefore, she can only advise, „train yourself in good conversational skills and convince yourself.“

You can find many more hacks as a checklist or the entire interview as a podcast or text at

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Contact to today’s podcast guest Simone Straub:

Tape Art Cover Image by Max Zorn :

Music by „Monsters of Rec: the HR & Recruiter industry band“

Podcast Production: York Lemb – Employee Podcast

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Enjoy this podcast episode.

Process control and commitment on the part of the candidate

„The path leads through good conversation skills and self-motivation“ In today’s podcast episode of the HRM hacks, the personnel consultant Simone Straub from Bad Ditzenbach accompanies us. Since 2005 she has been supporting consultants and companies alike in order to achieve more success with their business models. In an interview with Alexander Petsch, the founder […]







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