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Strategic Solutions and Insights for Staffing Agencies in the Recruitment Sector.

15. October 2024


RheinMain CongressCenter, Friedrich-Ebert-Allee, Wiesbaden, Deutschland

36 Days
23 Hours
9 Minutes
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Reasons for Your Participation

Highly concentrated, sharply focused & condensed:
The STAFFINGpro offers: One hall that integrates all elements. A day full of innovations. The best accessibility. Top brands from the recruiting world for staffing agencies, HR consultants/temporary employment, and the best content.
Top Speakers – Worldwide:
At STAFFINGpro, we search for the most exciting topics, the best minds, the most visionary speakers, and the latest ideas. We also provide immediately actionable solutions & learnings for staffing firms in the recruiting industry.
Optimal Location for HR Services & the Staffing Industry – Making Connections Easy:
The STAFFINGpro deliberately takes place in a modern exhibition hall in Wiesbaden! Wiesbaden, the capital of Hesse, is located in the heart of the Frankfurt/Rhine-Main metropolitan region, offering optimal accessibility and a unique flair. The RheinMain CongressCenter, situated right next to the main train station yet in the middle of the spa park, surrounded by hotels, is our new, light-flooded “feel-good location” for STAFFINGpro! Therefore, making new contacts is easy.

Do you have an innovative product or an exciting solution that will enthuse staffing firms in the recruiting industry? Do you want to present your solution where enthusiastic decision-makers meet? Then become an exhibitor or sponsor at STAFFINGpro 2024 now.

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Reasons for Your Participation Reasons for Your Participation
Exhibition Focus Areas Exhibition Focus Areas

Exhibition Focus Areas

Talent Recruiting

Talent Management Tools

Employer Branding Solutions

Top Exhibitor in STAFFINGpro 2024

Discover more about the innovative and inspiring exhibitors that will shape the STAFFINGpro {varEventYear}, making it a must-attend event for staffing professionals looking for cutting-edge staffing solutions, effective talent management strategies, and impactful recruiting

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